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Part 2

Erfurt on the way to Stuttgart

Stayed with an old friend at the picturesque place Erfurt where Martin Luther got struck by lightning and changed his religious beliefs. Thanks for transforming mine Erfurt.


The 2 lads Mike (excellent guitarist and genuinely good guy) and Jim (amazing driver and very entertaining) had a civilised breakfast /lunch with my old friend on top of a roof garden and we were off to Stuttgart, the most southern part of the tour and our last gig.

The Laboratorium is a great venue in Stuttgart opened over 40 years ago and with an unbelievable history. Thomas one of the managers was so warm and accommodating. The sound was immaculate. The audience were positive and warm. We ended up doing 3 sets including me singing accapella Im your man as someone had requested it in between sets. Just to say hello to the 2 Swiss lads and maybe see you in Switzerland.

We then drove straight from the gig starting at midnight back home to the

Midlands. We got home on the Sunday afternoon. Wow!

What a great bunch of people the Germans we met are! Thanks so much to all of you!

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